Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Hey all!!! Sorry that it’s been a while since our last post. The time here has been crazy and very up and down for the past few days. Are you ready at last for the news? We have made it through court!! All is good. Yipee! Thanks for all of the prayers… we could really feel that you all were praying for us.

It’s been such a roller coaster ride. I can’t tell you how up and down I have felt lately. All in the same day we… went to court and all was fine and then had to say good-bye to our babies. L I was so concerned about court and what might happen that when they said “congratulations”, all I could do was cry. Happy tears of course… very relieved tears.

Then when the time came to say good-bye to my baby girl… I tried so hard not to cry… but when I looked at Tina and she was crying… I gave up. When I took her back to her room and they could see that I was crying, they all assured me that they will take good care of her until the day that she is in my arms again… I know that is true… they are all so wonderful… it’s just that I want to be the one to take care of her now.

Anyway… I had to leave her and the next day here we are in a different city… preparing to come home… finally! Just one more day! Tina and Marilyn will leave in the morning… but we have one more day… I‘m SO jealous!

I can’t tell you how much I am craving… Ranch dressing, Mexican food, a big salad (which if you know me very well, isn’t something that I usually crave), my mom’s homemade noodles (which we will have at Thanksgiving… Alia will be with us and can try them too), a big juicy hamburger, even McDonalds sounds absolutely wonderful!


Unknown said...

Steph and Brad...

all I can say is "YEAH!!!" you now OFFICIALLY have a baby girl... and "boo!" you don't get to bring her home with you this trip.... I can't imagine how you are feeling...But use the time wisely, grasshopper...in a month, when you have Alia here... you will want a little peace and quiet... clean, organize, and get her room and things ready... REST UP! and if you want a little practice, I have 2 two year olds.. I could let one of them spend the night with you - probally Ems.. because she wanders around the house at night -- this will get you used to not sleeping for more than 2-3 hours at a time! :0 ) teehee! I can't wait to see you guyz! and we will continue to pray for you and Alia...

Grace, Ryan
Matthew and Emma

Jeff Morris said...

Hey guys...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I'm SO happy for you. It's been quite the ride hasn't it.

When you get back, lets touch base.


Anonymous said...

Hey, guys,

I almost didn't check cause we were told no updates till you got home...so glad that changed:) Congratulations and we can't wait for you to get home so we can see pictures of your little girl. Oh, and we've missed you, too.

Been hitting the candy stash with regularity, but you guys stocked it good this time. (just HAD to mention the snickers)

Take care, and hurry home.

Anonymous said...


I've been on pins and needles the past fews days wondering what was going on. We can't wait to see you guys and your little girl.

BTW Brad, I think you need to bring some of that baseball magic to your football team. As you know, you're not doing so hot.

Bryan, Chelsea & Daniel